Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th at 5 Ninth

This is the toughest post of my short blogging life. Should have tons more pics/footage from my sick 4th party at 5ninth but my camera was stolen. I rocked these Nike Terminators as the patriot I am. Got them christmas time 2 years ago at the Cross County Mall for $40. Had the Rickster come down with a bag of vinyl but he ended up overdosing on the BBQ and maybe some other stuff...anyway was very difficult to try to rock a party when I'm thinking of some fuckers' hands on my camera! I struggled through some sets and the place was packed and startin' to jump off and this fine girl caresses my sweaty shoulder as I'm hunched over my Mac looking for what to play next and asks me for the new Ciara which I didn't have of course but I did have her next selection and she disappears. As I peer around the booth she's grindin' no other than Steve Nash. News today is that his boy Amar'e is a Knick. I'm about as excited as when D'Antoni was named coach...

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